Breast Reduction
Unlike augmentation which is done purely for cosmetic reasons. Breast Reduction is performed because of frequent functional problems like neck shoulder and back discomfort poor posture and rashes under the breasts.
Large, pendulous breasts are often unattractive because gravity causes them to lose their shape and the nipples are lowered. It is also difficult to find clothes and bras that fit and to enjoy physical activity. Beyond these physical problems, psychological stress may be there, due to the attention large breasts attract.
A variety of techniques are available to reduce breast size. The Specific technique varies from surgeon to surgeon and depends on breast size and shape, the patient’s age and associated medical problems, and the results desired. The procedure takes 2-3 hrs to perform and requires overnight stay in the hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions
Any surgical procedure that involves the cutting of tissue leaves a scar. The way the incision heals and the scar forms is genetically determined. Therefore, some women end up with fine, barely visible white lines, whereas others have more obvious scars. Normally, however, the scars fade to white lines which look similar to stretch marks within 12 to 18 months.
Moderate discomfort for the first few days after surgery is normal, and painkillers are provided. The discomfort gradually subsides as bruising and swelling decrease.
A normal level of activity can be resumed within one week. Normally it is possible to return to work after 1 to 2 weeks. Heavy lifting or any activity that causes discomfort should be avoided for 6 weeks. As the discomfort subsides, the level of activity may be increased.
Breast reduction can be performed in girls as young as 12 (who may have a condition known as massive gigantomastia). Women in their sixties and seventies also are candidates.
Weight reduction has a minimal effect on the overall breast size. The best option is to undergo surgery.
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